RobotLib  1
A set of software wrappers for Rovio, Roomba and NXT robots written in C#.
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Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations
Package NXT

The NXT wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, API namespace with all commands as specified by the API specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources. More...


package  API


class  Robot
 The main robot class. More...
class  Component
 Interface for different convenience classes that require access to the Robot class. More...
class  InPort
 Input port. More...
class  OutPort
 Output port. More...
class  DeviceInfo
 Device information. More...


enum  SonarRegister : byte {
  MeasurementUnits = 0x14, PollInterval = 0x40, Mode = 0x41, MeasurementByte0 = 0x42,
  MeasurementByte1 = 0x43, MeasurementByte2 = 0x44, MeasurementByte3 = 0x45, MeasurementByte4 = 0x46,
  MeasurementByte5 = 0x47, MeasurementByte6 = 0x48
 Sonar registers. More...
enum  SensorType : byte {
  NoSensor = 0x00, Switch = 0x01, Temperature = 0x02, Reflection = 0x03,
  Angle = 0x04, LightActive = 0x05, LightInactive = 0x06, SoundDB = 0x07,
  SoundDBA = 0x08, Custom = 0x09, LowSpeed = 0x0A, LowSpeed9V = 0x0B,
  Sonar = 0x0C, NoOfSensorTypes = 0x0D
 Sensor types. More...
enum  SensorMode : byte {
  RawMode = 0x00, BooleanMode = 0x20, TransitionCntMode = 0x40, PeriodCounterMode = 0x60,
  PctFullScaleMode = 0x80, CelsiusMode = 0xA0, FahrenheitMode = 0xC0, AngleStepsMode = 0xE0,
  SlopeMask = 0x1F, ModeMask = 0xE0
 Sensor mode. More...
enum  OutputMode : byte {
  MotorOn = 0x01, Brake = 0x02, MotorOn_Break = 0x03, Regulated = 0x04,
  MotorOn_Regulated = 0x05, Break_Regulated = 0x06, MotorOn_Break_Regulated = 0x07
 Output mode. More...
enum  RegulationMode : byte { Idle = 0x00, MotorSpeed = 0x01, MotorSync = 0x02 }
 Regulation mode. MotorSync enables synchronisation between several outputs: has to be set on all synchronised outputs. More...
enum  RunState : byte { Idle = 0x00, RumpUp = 0x10, Running = 0x20, RumpDown = 0x40 }
 Output running state. More...

Detailed Description

The NXT wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, API namespace with all commands as specified by the API specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources.

The majority of comments are based directly on the official LEGO Mindstorms NXT Communication Protocol.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum NXT.OutputMode : byte

Output mode.

enum NXT.RegulationMode : byte

Regulation mode. MotorSync enables synchronisation between several outputs: has to be set on all synchronised outputs.

enum NXT.RunState : byte

Output running state.

enum NXT.SensorMode : byte

Sensor mode.

enum NXT.SensorType : byte

Sensor types.

enum NXT.SonarRegister : byte

Sonar registers.