RobotLib  1
A set of software wrappers for Rovio, Roomba and NXT robots written in C#.
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Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 12]
oNNXTThe NXT wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, API namespace with all commands as specified by the API specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources
oNRoombaThe Roomba wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, SCI namespace with all commands as specified by the SCI specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources
|\NSCIAll commands as specified by the SCI document.
\NRovioThe Rovio wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, API namespace with all commands as specified by the API specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources
 \NAPIAll commands as specified by the API document.