RobotLib  1
A set of software wrappers for Rovio, Roomba and NXT robots written in C#.
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Namespaces | Classes
Package Rovio

The Rovio wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, API namespace with all commands as specified by the API specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources. More...


package  API
 All commands as specified by the API document.


class  Robot
 The main class for communication with Rovio through a web client. More...
class  Component
 Interface for different convenience classes that require access to the Robot class. More...
class  Camera
 A convenience class for acessing camera realted functionality. More...
class  Odometry
 A convenience class for odometry sensor. More...
class  IRSensor
 A convenience class for infra red proximity sensor. More...
class  NavigationSensor
 A convenience class for accessing the TrueTrack navigation sensor. More...
class  Drive
 A convinience class for driving commands. More...

Detailed Description

The Rovio wrapper library. Includes the Robot class, API namespace with all commands as specified by the API specification and a set of helper classes for easy access to robot's resources.

The majority of comments are based directly on the official API Specification for Rovio document: