RobotLib  1
A set of software wrappers for Rovio, Roomba and NXT robots written in C#.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCRoomba.ComponentInterface for different convenience classes that require access to the Robot class.
|oCRoomba.SCI.SCIImplementation of all SCI commands.
|oCRoomba.SensorsA convenience class for accessing Roomba's sensors.
|oCRoomba.Sensors.BumpThe state of the bump sensors: false = no bump, true = bump.
|oCRoomba.Sensors.ButtonThe state of the four Roomba buttons: false = button not pressed, true = button pressed.
|oCRoomba.Sensors.CliffThe state of the cliff sensors: false = no cliff, true = cliff.
|oCRoomba.Sensors.DirtDetectorThe current dirt detection level (0-255) of the dirt detector. Higher values indicate higher levels of dirt detected.
|oCRoomba.Sensors.MotorOvercurrentThe state of the five motors’ overcurrent sensors: false = no overcurrent, true = overcurrent.
|\CRoomba.Sensors.WheeldropThe state of the Wheeldrop sensors: false = wheel up, true = wheel dropped
oCRovio.ComponentInterface for different convenience classes that require access to the Robot class.
|oCRovio.API.APIContains all API commands.
|oCRovio.API.CameraCamera control.
|oCRovio.API.MailManage email settings.
|oCRovio.API.MovementComponentA base class for all movement commands.
||oCRovio.API.MovementAll movement commands
||oCRovio.API.Movement.ManualDriveComponentManual drive commands. Majority of the drive commands feature the speed parameter: 1 (fastest) - 10 (slowest). Note that depending on the type of surface, the robot might have problems executing commands with very low speeds (i.e. it will stall).
||oCRovio.API.Movement.MCUReportComponentProvides a run-time report from Rovio's microcontroller. Run the Update() method before accessing individual parameters of the report. This solution reduces the data traffic when accessing multiple parameters at the same time.
||\CRovio.API.Movement.TuningParametersComponentManage robot parameters used during navigation: homing, docking and automatic driving.
|oCRovio.API.NetworkNetwork management.
|oCRovio.API.OtherManage camera settings, get audio and video streams, etc
|oCRovio.API.Other.StatusComponentReturn the run-time status of Rovio including camera settings, true track sensor settings, etc. Part of the Other command. Call Update() before accessing individual parameters of the report. This solution reduces the data traffic when accessing multiple parameters at the same time.
|oCRovio.API.ServerManage server settings.
|oCRovio.API.TimeManage time settings and time zones.
|oCRovio.API.UserManage user accounts.
|oCRovio.CameraA convenience class for acessing camera realted functionality.
|oCRovio.DriveA convinience class for driving commands.
|oCRovio.IRSensorA convenience class for infra red proximity sensor.
|oCRovio.NavigationSensorA convenience class for accessing the TrueTrack navigation sensor.
|\CRovio.OdometryA convenience class for odometry sensor.
oCNXT.ComponentInterface for different convenience classes that require access to the Robot class.
|oCNXT.API.APIAll commands as specified by the API document.
|oCNXT.API.DirectCommandDirect commands.
|oCNXT.API.SystemCommandSystem commands.
|oCNXT.DeviceInfoDevice information.
|oCNXT.InPortInput port.
|\CNXT.OutPortOutput port.
|oCNXT.Robot.CommunicationExceptionCommunication exceptions with NXT.
|\CRovio.API.Movement.MovementResponseExceptionReport errors in movement responses received from Rovio.
oCRoomba.LedsA convenience class for accessing Roomba's LEDs.
oCRoomba.Leds.PowerLedPower Led - controls the colour and intensity. iCreate left led.
oCNXT.RobotThe main robot class.
oCRoomba.RobotThe main class for communication with Roomba through a serial interface
\CRovio.RobotThe main class for communication with Rovio through a web client.